


  Many parents are aware of the importance of learning English, and have begun to develop their children's English ability. Now the English teachers tell you what to learn in the children's English Enlightenment Course.


  1. Grinding Ears


  Ear grinding is a general term for the accumulation of voice input, including nursery rhymes, children's songs, animation, picture books and audio, etc. If it is a grinding ear of extensive listening, that is, it does not explain what the children hear, then the role it plays is to cultivate the sense of English language. After a period of time, we should listen to the children carefully and make them understand what they hear. Understandable input is effective.


  2. Speaking English


  This is that children are familiar with English pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and rhythm by grinding their ears, understand the content, imitate output, and have the basic ability to speak English. Parents and friends should pay attention to guiding children to speak English in the process of listening to grinding their ears.


  3, reading


  Reading is the next step of listening and speaking. Children with listening storage can read English picture books very quickly because they don't need to learn those words and sentences one by one. These words have been accumulated in their brains and they are understood before. Now they are presented in the form of reading. They can better enter a happy reading state and enjoy themselves.


  Reading is an important part of language learning. It can cultivate children's situational correspondence ability and is an important means of cultivating English thinking.


  4. Natural spelling


  After having a certain foundation in English, you can begin to learn natural spelling. Natural spelling is the way that children in English-speaking countries must learn to spell words before they learn to read and write. Unlike the phonetic symbols we are familiar with, natural spelling directly establishes a connection between letters and letter combinations and word pronunciation. By mastering this rule, children can read and listen to words. As a result, children's English reading will be much smoother, and new words can be quickly accepted.
