


  English is the world's common language, in learning and work is very important, so many parents began to pay attention to the cultivation of children's English, the following English teachers to share with you what children need to pay attention to learning English?

  1 、与成人英语学习不同,您的孩子必须记住。如果您的孩子想要学习英语,您应该创造一个良好的英语学习环境,这将激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。收养前儿童的英语技能让孩子们学习如何倾听孩子的基本知识,以了解和发展普通孩子的语言技能。

  1. Unlike adult English learning, your child must remember. If your child wants to learn English, you should create a good English learning environment, which will stimulate children's interest in learning English. Pre adoption children's English skills enable them to learn how to listen to their children's basic knowledge, so as to understand and develop the language skills of ordinary children.


  2. Learning English will not be completed as soon as possible, because each child's learning ability and function are different, so parents must choose the appropriate time for their children's English Enlightenment according to their children's actual situation.


  3. English learning should be continuous, learning English for children is a long process, should not be routine, and children often do so. Therefore, parents usually supervise their children's English learning. They like to be late and can't give up or give up.


  4. Choose excellent English textbooks, there are various formats and versions of English textbooks, so choose carefully. Not too many types. It's not hard to have fun.


  5. Note English pronunciation, parents in learning English for children's role is very important. Parents are very concerned about their children's English learning and provide them with a good learning environment, which is very helpful for learning English. However, when parents speak "Chinese" English, if they do not correct the English pronunciation, it is easy to make it inaccurate, if they are older, it is difficult to correct it. Therefore, in normal English learning, parents should pay attention to children's English pronunciation, and children should try to follow the standard pronunciation of high-quality foreign teachers.

  6、听听你说的话,一步一步练习阅读和写作。听力 阅读 阅读 写作是一种语言学习方法,也是为幼儿学习英语。从听力开始,到练习阅读和写作,孩子们学会说话慢,不能改变秩序。

  6. Listen to what you say and practice reading and writing step by step. Listening, reading, reading and writing is not only a language learning method, but also learning English for children. From listening to reading and writing, children learn to speak slowly and not change order.
