


  For junior middle school students, English is a difficult subject. Mastering the methods of English learning and enabling them to acquire knowledge independently is an important measure to achieve excellent results. The following foreign teachers share with you the ways to improve junior middle school students' English:


  There must be a preview. Preview can make us have psychological preparation and help us improve classroom efficiency. We should be clear about our teacher's teaching progress, so we should preview the content of the next day in advance, so that we can fully understand where our difficulties are, and we can be targeted when listening to the class.


  Improve the efficiency of classroom listening. We should do the following in class: 1. Listen quietly. Listen carefully and take notes in class. You should always be active in listening, speaking, reading and writing 2 active participation. English is a practical subject. We should practice boldly, dare to speak and read, and actively answer the questions raised by the teacher. Active speech in class is of great benefit to us. Every active speech is a listening and speaking training, which can make us concentrate and have a clear answer to difficult or ambiguous questions. Raising hands often can also make teachers deepen their impression. Listening in class is very important. Teachers always have their own language or posture characteristics when talking about the key points. We should be good at observing and grasping. 3. Write frequently. Write down the teacher's key points in the classroom notebook in time, but we should deal with the relationship between listening to the class and taking notes. 4 multiple openings. If you don't know something about your class, you must ask the teacher in time after class and solve the problem on the same day. Don't pretend to understand without taking into account the so-called face, otherwise there will be more and more loopholes, resulting in the continuous decline of English performance.


  You must review in time after class. The "timely" here includes timely review after class, three minutes to close your eyes and review the key and difficult points of this class, and review again at noon lunch break, up to five minutes. Be sure to review it again in time when you go home in the evening. In this process, if you use something you don't remember, you must mark it on your notebook for key review in the next week and month, which also reduces the burden of your review and improves the efficiency of your review. This process is not simply reading books and words, but testing yourself. Do you remember the knowledge system of this lesson? Have the wrong questions in this lesson been consolidated?


  The review is not completed in one day, but a long-term battle. The review plan should be a combination of length and rough. Review the contents of this week every Saturday and consolidate the knowledge of the current month at the end of each month. At the same time, with the reform of the examination system, limited textbooks will not work. We should listen to and watch more simple TV English programs, read appropriate extracurricular reading materials and expand the amount of reading, so as to make extracurricular knowledge a useful supplement to classroom knowledge.


  Specific to what should be done after returning home every day, we must follow the following methods, and we must develop good learning habits. Many students reported that they had memorized all the words, but the teacher forgot when asking questions. This shows that our review is not planned and periodic. What we do when we get home every day can be summarized into three aspects: listening, reading and writing. Listening refers to listening to the words, dialogues or texts learned on the day two to three times, trying to be familiar with them and understand what they hear. The listening score of English in the middle school entrance examination is 20, which shows the importance of listening. Then read the words, sentence patterns, dialogues or texts learned that day. You must be proficient. The last is to write. The content to be written includes new words, key sentences and sentences in which the teacher illustrates the use of words or phrases in class. The next step is to finish your English homework. What needs to be explained here is that you must review it first and then write your homework. Writing your homework is not to deal with the teacher, but to check the mastery of today's learning content. If there are problems in this process, you should write them down next to you. You must ask the teacher in time the next day, so as not to accumulate more and more. Finally, preview.
