


  It's very important for parents to help their children learn English. How can parents help their children learn English?


  1. Help the children to recall the learning content after class, and urge the children to review and preview. Urge the children to review the contents of the day and preview the learning tasks of the next class in advance. The main form is to read English words, sentences, dialogues, essays and so on with a tape recorder. The children who meet difficulties should first solve them by looking up a dictionary, but they can't make a mark and leave it for the new class to solve together with the teacher. English is different from our mother tongue and lacks a certain learning atmosphere, so we must recite it repeatedly to remember it. Therefore, it is very important for English learning to cultivate children's good habits of review after class and preview before class.


  2. Guide and encourage children to listen, speak, read and write more, and develop four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. We can start from the following aspects:


  First of all, we should cultivate children's good habit of listening to recordings and reading English every day. First of all, teach the children to use the recorder, and ask them to listen to 10-15 minutes of English recording every day. There are two ways to listen and read English:


  Consciously read and listen to the pictures, or read the pictures first, then listen to the recordings, and then point to the pictures to say the corresponding recorded content; unconsciously listen, let the child listen in the process of washing his face, brushing his teeth, playing, etc., to capture the familiar information. In order to stimulate interest, it can also help children to make their own English tapes. When reviewing English, record the content you read aloud, then compare it with the original voice, find out the differences in voice and intonation, and then imitate, read and compare it until it is almost the same as the original voice. This not only can enhance the confidence of children, but also is an effective way to stimulate children's interest, so as to change passive learning into active learning.


  Secondly, let children watch English TV programs regularly, read simple English reading materials, and use network resources for self-study. Because only a little English knowledge taught by the teacher in the classroom can't learn English well. We should learn more English knowledge after class, such as children's English programs regularly broadcast by the central education channel and the big windmill column. Parents can guide children to watch regularly, let children talk about their feelings, say what I learned from this program, and master those words, sentences or songs. Parents can learn with their children, and they can compare with each other to stimulate their children's enthusiasm for learning.


  Finally, I will accompany my children to collect English in life. There are English around us, such as "lemon" on the drink bottle, "milk" on the milk box, "taxi" on the taxi, "welcome" on the doorplate, and English abbreviations "WC", "CCTV", "VCD", etc. For example, when eating, introduce Westerners' knives and forks for eating, and the main food is hamburgers, juice, milk, etc.; when walking, introduce the transportation knowledge of western countries to children, etc. Parents can go with their children to collect and sort out the above English information, and then find out its meaning and pronunciation. I believe that in the long run, children will not only have a strong interest in English, but also their autonomous learning ability and social practice ability can be naturally generated.


  3. Encourage and praise more, criticize less and create a relaxed learning environment.


  Children are also small, often forget the front behind learning, review the front and forget the back, this phenomenon is very normal. The most important thing is to encourage them to use it often, even a word in a sentence. Parents can also communicate with their children in simple English, so that they can think in English. You can also record the difficulties and problems children encounter in learning, and communicate with teachers in time, so as to help children overcome difficulties and solve problems in time, so as to build up self-confidence in learning.


  4. Rome wasn't built in a day. We need to persevere.


  Although children have amazing memory and enviable imitation ability, it only provides them with the advantages of learning English, which does not mean that their English level will advance rapidly in a short period of time and achieve impressive results.


  In a word, parents are indispensable "guiding lights" for children's study. As long as the parents carefully guide them, choose some methods suitable for their children and stick to them for a long time, the children will feel the fun of English learning, the enthusiasm and initiative of learning will be enhanced, and the English performance will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.
