


  Foreign teachers are very important to children's English learning. Now let's share how to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of foreign teachers for children?


  1. Whether it can arouse the enthusiasm of children and combine teaching with fun

  小孩子学英语,特别是幼儿园的孩子,兴趣很重要。他们的注意力不会集中太久,一板一眼的上课肯定是不行的。一般外教会选择各种小道具,唱歌,跳舞, 游戏等来贯穿当天要学的知识。有的没有幼教经验的外教可能觉得教小朋友很简单,但这却不是能讲英语就能做得来的。有的外教的性格并不适合在小孩子面前蹦蹦跳跳逗他们开心, 所以找外教并不能只看是否是母语,是否是白人。

  Interest is very important for children to learn English, especially in kindergartens. Their attention will not be focused for too long, and it is certainly not possible to have a class in a straight way. Generally, foreign teachers will choose various props, such as singing, dancing, games, etc. to run through the knowledge to be learned that day. Some foreign teachers who have no experience in preschool education may find it easy to teach children, but they can't do it if they can speak English. The character of some foreign teachers is not suitable for jumping in front of children to make them happy, so you can't just look for foreign teachers to see whether they are native speakers or whether they are white.


  2. Whether they can focus on teaching and education

  其次,有很多外教是因为在自己国家混不下去了才来中国的,他们的目的并不是当老师,而是只要能赚钱就行。所以有的外教会很应付,随便拿个小卡片就打发学生,每节课的内容都没什么变化,一下课拔腿就跑,根本没有任何课外师生互动。有的外教一心就想着钱,除了一个全职职位之外还找了很多兼职。如果他都能做好就另当别论, 但这些外教为了赶去兼职的课,完全不顾全职的工作时间,office hour(坐班时间) 就溜了,很难管理。

  Secondly, many foreign teachers come to China because they can't stay in their own country. Their purpose is not to be a teacher, but as long as they can make money. Therefore, some foreign teachers will cope very well. They will take a small card and send the students away. The content of each class has no change. They run away as soon as class is over. There is no extracurricular interaction between teachers and students. Some foreign teachers are obsessed with money and have found many part-time jobs in addition to a full-time job. It's another matter if he can do well. However, in order to rush to part-time classes, these foreign teachers completely ignore their full-time working hours, and the office hours slip away, which is difficult to manage.


  3. Ability to control classroom discipline

  有的外教在控制课堂纪律方面做的很差, 小孩子在教室里乱成一团,没有助教根本Hold不住。

  Some foreign teachers are very poor in controlling classroom discipline. Children are in a mess in the classroom. They can't hold on without a teaching assistant.
